FCT gratefully acknowledges the generous support of the following funders:
Massachusetts Department of Children & Families (Via the JP Tree of Life Coalition)
Initial Seed Funding From:
Boston Foundation Vision Fund
Spontaneous Celebrations
FCT’s work would not be possible without the extensive in-kind donations of our host sites and other partner organizations and individuals.
Please show your appreciation for the generosity of the institutions and small businesses on the following list by patronizing them!
Workshop Host Sites:
Southern Jamaica Plain Health Center (Health Promotion Center)
Unitarian Universalist Urban Ministry of Roxbury
Jamaica Plain Community Centers (Curtis Hall)
ABCD Head Start Jamaica Plain
Field Trip Host Sites:
Puppet Showplace Theater of Brookline - discounted tickets
Wheelock Family Theatre at Boston University - discounted tickets
Museum of Science, Boston - free admission to special events
JP Tree of Life/Arbol de Vida Coalition - office space
Mass. College of Art & Design - kiln firing
Harrison Osborne - photography
Same Old Place Restaurant - food discount
JP House of Pizza - food discount
ACE Hardware City, Jamaica Plain - donated supplies